“The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing!” (Rom.13:12 TMT)
Life guarantees each of us will experience transition at one time or another. Changes can occur in vocations, goals, relationships and opportunities. The way we approach these new seasons of transition can either break us or make us stronger by positioning us on a new level of influence. According to the Webster’s Dictionary the meaning of the word transition describes,
“1a. A passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another: change.
2a. A movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.”
From a Biblical point of view, transition in the lives of people or even countries, is expressed through divine, opportune moments of greatness and authority. In other words, God is God of transition.
When I was in high school, still living in Bulgaria, I had to use two different bus routes to get to my destination. Due to the inevitable delays on my first bus route, I had to develop strategy and speed in order to catch the second bus prior to its departure. I would position myself close to the doors of the bus. The moment the bus would stop, I would jump off and dash through the crowds of people to reach the second bus. I can remember one time when I barely made it. The door shut behind me and even though I was standing on the inside lower step of the bus, my backpack was sticking out of the closed door. “Whew, I made it,” I would tell myself barely catching my breath.
Transitions can happen quickly, and sometimes unexpectedly. We must find our place of departure and our place of entry, so that we don’t miss the next ‘bus’ that must take us to our next destination. Transition is connected with prompt obedience on our part to the voice of God, as well as to God’s divine intervention on our behalf to strategically position us in opportune circumstances in order to accomplish His will for our generation. Abram was transitioned in one instant to Abraham because God saw him as a father of all nations. Moses was transitioned out of Egypt to a leader of Israel. Esther was transitioned from being an orphaned girl to a queen who saved her nation. Mary was transitioned from an ordinary teenage girl to giving birth to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Paul was transitioned from being a persecutor of the church to becoming the most influential Apostle that ever lived. These leaders chose to move forward even though they didn’t know what would be their future. Growth and achievement is only obtainable through transition.
Whatever transition you may be facing right now, it’s time to embrace it and run for it. Don’t let fear stop you! This may be your time of greater influence and completion of God’s plan for your life. TAKE THE LEAP!
May God’s love and assurance that He is with us, give you the courage to step into 2022 with a hopeful expectancy of miracles and breakthroughs.

* Written by Ceitci Demirkova – Founder & CEO “Changing a Generation”