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Changed Lives



This is Grace.* One of the boys in our trade school found her in his neighborhood alone, confused, and crying. She had witnessed her grandmother’s death. He looked for other relatives who could take her but found no one. So, he asked our organization if we could find a sponsor for her and take her as a part of our sponsorship program. We did!  She is 8 years old and now lives with this boy's mother, his two sisters, and brother. She started school for the first time last year in February. She is very smart and is rapidly catching up with others in her class. One sponsorship makes a life-changing difference for children like Grace!
* Name changed for protection purposes.



This is Rosa.*   She’s 9 years old and lives with her grandma and grandpa. Her grandma is deaf, and her grandpa is paralyzed in a wheelchair. Rosa’s mum is a prostitute, and she doesn’t care for her daughter. Her dad is unknown. Rosa is bright, joyful, and eager to learn. We believe, through care and prayer for the family and the packet brought to their home, we’ve managed to make this Christmas a little happier and more festive for them. By showing this family the love of God in action, we've watched a shy little girl blossom.

* Name changed for protection purposes.



This is David. He’s 9 years old. Several months ago, his dad was sent to jail, and Christmas 2018 was the first one without him. His mom, unemployed outside of the home, takes care of David and his younger siblings. ”We believe in miracles”, was her response when being asked how she manages life by herself. David holds a lot of responsibility around the home, and his mom depends on him to be her tower of strength and support during this difficult time. When we first met David, he struggled with poor, disruptive behavior. Over time, however, he became very disciplined and responsible. We rejoice over his progress and are glad for the opportunity to bless his family, bringing God’s love to them.

* Name changed for protection purposes.


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These are Natika (13 y.), Asya (8 y.) and Toni (9 y.), along with their mom and younger sister. They are some of the most committed and devoted children from our Sunday school and attend it regularly. They always listen very carefully and are diligent in all they do. They were so excited and joyful about our visit to their home. The family lives in a miserable room with no sink, table, beds or chairs. They all sleep together on a folding sofa, have one primitive wood stove and a single cupboard, where they put the few clothing items they own. Despite all of that, they live happily and say they are very blessed. The mother is unemployed, the father works as a trash-carrier. Their income is extremely insufficient for a 6-member family. 


A letter from a 20 year old to his sponsors, who have supported him all the way through trade-school:   “I want to thank you for your contribution towards my education and other school needs. I really appreciate everything with all my heart. When I lost my dad I was 14 years, and I couldn't believe that he was gone until his body was brought back home. By that time, I knew my education had come to an end cause my mum was left without a job. I prayed to God and He answered my prayers by bringing you to me. I love you very much because you revived the hope I had lost and you did what my dad would have done. I love you really very much.”




A 10 years old named D.* is cared for by her grandmother who is not employed. Their home is a mud hut. To bring in funds, D. sells water in the market for her grandma. Her life has been full of difficulty, but through Changing a Generation she now has the funds to attend school, and with schooling there is hope. D. says, "I had no hope of going to school because my parents died when I was very young. I was taken by my grandmother who is old and could not afford to take me to school. Anytime I saw my friends going to school, I wish I could also accompany them to school but my grandmother would stop me because according to her, she could not afford to pay my tuition fees and cater for other school needs. This is true because sometimes we eat once a day. I thank God that I was found and had a sponsor through Changing a Generation. God bless my sponsors."

* Name changed for protection purposes.


Fishing Bait

"My favorite thing in the world is fishing!" Says Dokor, a young boy in our Bulgarian sponsorship program. When asked what he likes to catch best, his expression gets puzzled. "Well, I don't know, I've never been fishing." "Dokor, you've never been? Then how do you know you like it?" "Well, I just watch it all the time on the television. I watch all of the fishing channels and I just really love fishing! It's my favorite thing!" This young boy had never gone fishing, never seen a river, and doesn't own a pole, yet it is his favorite thing to do. This was his dream…and recently, his dream became a reality. For the first time in his life, our team took him fishing and on the picture you can see his first catch. 

* Name changed for protection purposes.


I SEE MY SPONSORS AS MY EVERYTHING IN LIFE   I always pray to God to give my sponsors long life so that they can continue to support my education. I would be going to Junior High School one when school opens in September. I thank Ceitci and Nannette and all others for including me in the program. That has helped me to get to this level in my education.  God richly bless them all. I cannot forget thanking Chief Nana Dapaah, our paramount chief for Mo people. The program is teaching me to be generous and supportive. To help one another when you have and your friend haven't got. I have the belief that God loves a cheerful giver. It is our prayer and hope that our generous sponsors would continue to support us to make our lives better in the future. My chickens are doing well. I lost two chickens out of seven when the mother first hatched them. I have the hope that one day I would become a poultry farmer even if I were employed government worker. Thank you! I am Elija C. (Sponsored Child - Ghana)



Little A.J. has neither a real home or secure family… sure, he lives somewhere and has a bunch of people who share some DNA with him, but that’s all. When he was about 2 years old, A.J.’s mother disappeared.  After that, his father signed over the parental care of A.J. to the boy’s great grandmother, then left to work abroad. He hasn’t been back to see his son since.  That was 10 years ago.  A.J. is now 12. Two years ago, A.J.’s great grandmother passed away. Instead of social services moving him into the system, however, they left him with other members of his family. Ten others to be exact...all living under one roof.  Of all these people, only two bring in money. There’s constant noise and activity in such a small space. A.J. fears he doesn’t belong. He has virtually no parents, no papers that identify who he belongs to, and no real home.  Every week, when we serve sandwiches, A.J. asks for extras; and when we give out pajamas to the children in the program, he wants any additional sets.  He takes them home and shares them hoping that it will keep the others from stealing his. A.J. is trying to be nice to the other family members so that he is not kicked out of the home and abandoned on the streets. He has seen this happen before. He does not want it to happen to him.  



In a recent life-training class on patience, the children were instructed to pass around a present for 3 minutes.   Whoever ended up with it in the end got to keep it. After the 3 minutes were up, the teacher asked, "Was it hard to wait and be patient to see who would get the present?" 4 of the children said, "No." When asked why, they responded, "We've never received a present before, so we knew it wouldn't be for us."  This year, they're going to receive Christmas presents – their first!



During the time I was volunteering with Metro World Child Bulgaria, I realized what the true meaning of the word ‘volunteer’ is. It is to do good out of your own will. I’m glad I was part of something as wonderful as the birth of the Metro ministry and the change it brings into the lives of ordinary people. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to take part at the New Year’s masked ball of SION church – Veliko Turnovo. I’m thankful for the little things I got to rejoice over thanks to Ceitci and her great heart. I will never forget the priceless moments of the glow on a child's face when a volunteer gives them candy or the big smile when they hear, "Well done". Above all, I’m grateful that I could enter into the hearts of those children, where I saw how the Word of God was being poured into their thirsty souls. I may never see those kids again, but I’m confident the Word of God dwells in them, and it never returns void. I expect to continue our collaboration with Metro World Child Bulgaria for the sake of bringing change to our nation, starting out with its future – the children.

(Written by R. Ilieva – volunteer at our Veliko Turnovo location)


I rejoice over the opportunity to have served together as a team to the kids in and around our neighborhood. This was a challenging time, during which we had to come out of our comfort zones and start doing things differently – talk with the children, pray for them. For me, it was very encouraging that the team was gathered among different people from the church, something that doesn't happen often. Teenagers, young adults, and adults were coming together, and staying together, during all activities and preparations for the Metro program. I believe the seed sown into these children continually brings forth good fruit! Thank you, Ceitci, for opening your heart and blessing others around you with what you have! May you never lack anything and may God bless your ministry by repaying you a hundredfold! Praise our good Father who has granted us everything!(Written by E. Raykova – volunteer at our Veliko Turnovo location)


I have been volunteering with Metro World Child Bulgaria/Changing a Generation since the summer of 2018. On many occasions, I was challenged to step out of my comfort zone. There were moments I had to face my insecurities, and I struggled with bad memories from my childhood. Despite my internal fight, I kept on showing up for the kids.

I noticed after several months that true change had occurred in each of the kids as they came to our programs. It is wonderful to watch them memorize Scriptures and play games. I recall a certain boy who won a prize for memorizing the most verses. At the end of our lesson, he shared how excited he was to get home and give his prize to his sister. The next week she joined our program and accepted Jesus. They both have been faithfully attending since that time.


Their story really touched me and helped me overcome my own insecurities in order to believe that I am making a difference. I am certain that our labor in the Lord is not in vain, and the Word of God, which has been sown into the heart of these children we work with, will not return void. I thank God for the finances the Lord supplies through Changing a Generation. It makes it possible for all of us to witness the transformation in many children's lives that we serve. 

(Written by J. Georgieva – volunteer at our Veliko Turnovo location)

Testimonies by our workers and volunteers:

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